ZZ Plant Leaves Curling, Cause and How to Fix it


ZZ plant leaves curling is a serious problem. Because everyone likes to make their property seem attractive to wow guests at first glance, whether it be with a green trellis against the side shed, a lush garden, or potted plants on your windowsill. What transpires, though, if you have a brown thumb? Even geraniums, which are among the best low-maintenance plants, are above your abilities.

We are here to help you solve your problem, so don’t worry. Do you know anything about the ZZ plant? This indoor plant, also known as Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, is a member of the Araceae family. Because it can endure months of neglect, poor light, and drought, it is incredibly low care and a fantastic alternative. You don’t need to ask your neighbor to water your plants while you’re on vacation.

ZZ Plant Leaves Curling, Cause and How to Fix it

ZZ plants are typically seen in shopping centers and big office buildings. They resemble artificial plants because of their look and feel. They never seem unhealthy since they need little to no upkeep. People now worry how to care for these plants because they may be found in little pots and windowsill boxes. Therefore, if you see anything unusual, don’t panic.

What Cause ZZ Plant Leaves Curling the Solution


Like with other indoor plants, overwatering is a major cause of leaf curl on your ZZ plant. Giving your ZZ plant enough water just when the top inch or two of the soil seems dry is the best method to avoid this issue.

How to Fix Overwatering

  • Take the plant out of the pot, then look for any damage to the roots.
  • Remove roots that are dark or look mushy.
  • Repot the plant in a container with suitable drainage holes and a soil mixture that drains effectively.


It’s usually ideal to avoid any direct sunlight exposure if at all possible since too much direct sunlight might result in leaf bending and burn on your ZZ plant.

In order to lessen the intensity of the sunlight before it reaches your ZZ plant, consider filtering it using sheer curtains or shades if it does enter the space where your plant is located.


ZZ plant leaves may also curl in extremely dry conditions, especially in warm weather. Group your plants together, use a humidity tray or humidifier, and place your ZZ plant somewhere colder to increase humidity.

Root Rot

A fungal or bacterial illness that damages a plant’s roots and is frequently brought on by overwatering or inadequate drainage is known as root rot. The plant becomes stressed and exhibits signs like leaf curling when its capacity to absorb water and nutrients is considerably decreased.

How to fix

  • Trim the afflicted roots after removing the plant from its container.
  • For a day or two, let the healthy roots that are still present dry.
  • Repot the plant in new, well-draining soil in an open-mouthed container.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Specific nutrients are required for plants to grow and develop. A plant may grow stressed and exhibit symptoms like leaf curling if it is unable to get the essential nutrients.

Poor soil quality, ineffective fertilization, or unfavorable environmental circumstances can all be causes of nutrient deficits.

For instance, a ZZ plant grown in nutrient-poor soil without the appropriate fertilizer may suffer from a magnesium deficiency. Due to the lack of sufficient magnesium, the plant may experience leaf curling as a result of this deficit.

How to Take Care ZZ Plant Leaves Curling

Frequently Varying Temperatures

Did you know that ZZ plants prefer higher temperatures between 18 and 27 degrees Celsius (65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit)? The leaves may curl if the temperature dips below 10°C.

ZZ plants should be situated in an area that receives medium sunlight and a mild breeze because they are susceptible to unexpected temperature fluctuations. Your plant will feel shock when it is near an air conditioner, which can also cause the leaves to curl. Your ZZ plant will eventually start to look limp.


Place your ZZ plant somewhere else if you believe it is exposed to a draft in its current location. Within a day, your plant will recover to its original state.

Giving your plant a modest dose of dampness is a different technique to make it happier. It will quickly heal if you put it in front of a humidifier for a few minutes.

Soil Moisture

It is a symptom of root rot if you see your ZZ plant’s leaves curling, turning yellow and mushy, and having brown stems. Your houseplant suffers additional damage from the root problem.

Poor soil drainage leads to overwatering issues. The best course of action to prevent the plant from dying is to decrease the frequency of watering.

The best option is to repotter the indoor plant in a container with well-drained soil. Before repotting the plant, make sure to remove the damaged roots using sterile scissors.


The growth conditions at a plant store are very different from those in your home. After acquiring it from a plant store, ZZ plant leaves frequently curl.

But after a few days, the plant will adjust to your indoor growth environment. Make sure you offer the right kind of treatment to rule out any additional problems.

Plant ZZ Pruning

It is necessary to remove the dead stems when the ZZ plant leaves start to show brown stains. Although the plant is simple to care for, you need use some caution when getting rid of the dead leaves. This plant is poisonous in every aspect. Put the trimmings in a plastic bag and properly dispose of them.

If you unintentionally get in contact with the plant’s sap, you’ll probably have some allergy-like symptoms. You will feel sick, have diarrhea, and vomit if you mistakenly consume the plant. If the symptoms worsen, get straight to the hospital closest to you for treatment.

ZZ plant leaves curling: Do They Heal?

It depends on the event that led to the leaves recovering. For instance, drainage will restore the form of the leaves if they are being overwatered or underwatered. If sunlight is the cause, the damage may be irreparable. Remember how we stated that too much sunshine results in brown patches on the leaves? To allow the remaining leaves to heal, you will need to cut these leaves and relocate the plant. Thank you for visiting pandan creamery you can also read article about zz plant toxic to cats and how to make spider pant bushier.

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