Why Pilea Leaves Curling Problems Happen and How to Deal with Them


Pilea Leaves Curling

Have you ever noticed that your Pilea leaves curling, not being straight up and flat as you have expected? Not many Pilea owners are aware of this situation, thinking that it’s a common and normal thing. In reality, however, Pilea leaves being curled isn’t a healthy sign or a good sign. By knowing the main reasons and the possible solutions, you should be able to address the issue and expect a healthy outcome.

Pilea Leaves Curling
Pilea Leaves Curling

What Is Pilea Plant?

Pilea Peperomioides is known for its other popular names, especially the Chinese Money Plant. It’s a trendy houseplant that is known for its coin shaped leaves. Many of the owners believe that the plant can help them with good fortune. The plant is believed to cause prosperity and fortune.

However, the healthy leaves are supposed to be flat and straighten up, not curled. If it’s curling, then it means that it’s unhealthy. There are many reasons that can cause the Pilea curling leaves, including watering issues, the plants not having normal cycle and treatment, and poor condition. As long as you understand the reason, you should be able to deal with the solutions that can improve its health and condition.

pilea curling leaves
pilea curling leaves

If the curling happens to the new leaves, you don’t need to worry. It’s not an issue. New leaves are normally curled, especially if it’s their first time to appear. New leaves generally come out from the top area of the stem. That’s why it’s quite normal if you see only the plant’s top leaves are curling. Give it some time, and the leaves will flatten out. However, if the curled leaves happen to the old leaves, then it’s a positive sign that your plant has issues.

pilea leave Curling Types and Possible Causes

Depending on the condition of Pilea leaves curling, there are some exact causes that can make the diagnose easier.

  • If the leaf curl is outward or doming, then it’s likely caused by overwatering or low light
  • If the leaf curl is cupping or it experiences Pilea leaves curling inwards, then it’s most likely because of underwatering, dry air, nutrient deficiency, or temperature
  • If the leaf curls inward as well as outward, then it’s likely overfeeding, nutrient deficiency, diseases, or pests.
why are my pilea leaves curling
why are my pilea leaves curling

Some of the Possible Reasons (and Solutions)

Before you start asking yourself why are my Pilea leaves curling, you need to do careful (and thorough) observation to your money plant. Then be honest about what you have done to your plant, so you can solve your issues.

  • Improper Watering Regime

This money plant isn’t exactly easy to care, especially when it comes to watering. You can’t water it excessively, and yet you can’t water it too little. When it’s stressed out from being overwatered or underwatered, then the leaves would curl.

You need to follow these ‘unwritten rules’: Don’t water it when the soil is still wet. Make sure that at least an inch of the top soil has dried off before you water it. If you have caused the plant to wet constantly, check the roots for damage or rot. If everything is okay, make sure that the top soil is dry. If it’s still wet or even damp, don’t water it just yet. Keep in mind that each plant and each pot has specific requirements and conditions. You need to observe your OWN plant so you know when to water it according to your watering habit.

pilea plant leaves curling
pilea plant leaves curling
  • Problems with the Light

Another common issue with Pilea leaves curling is the improper lighting situation. Most people may believe that this money plant requires constant sun light or high temperature. In reality, though, the plant really dislikes too much light or sunlight direct exposure. If you have placed the pot into sunny spot, move it away. One of the most ideal places would be on the spot where the window faces south or west.

Another option to take is to have a filtered light. If you see that the sunlight is too much for the pot, add shades or curtains to filter out the light intensity. Lace curtains will do. But if the pot doesn’t get enough light, consider moving it closer to your window so it gets more light. The key is light moderation; it shouldn’t be too much or too little.

  • The Ideal Temperature

As the money plant can’t deal with excessive heat, it also means that it can’t deal with too high temperature either. The most ideal range would start from 55 degrees Fahrenheit (around 13 degrees Celsius) to 65 degrees Fahrenheit (around 18 degrees Celsius).

The plant appreciates cool area. If it gets too hot, the leaves will lose moisture too fast, leading to the leaves curling. Place the plant in a shady area, where it is cool. If it gets mild breeze, it would be even better.

  • Drainage Problem

Never underestimate poor drainage because it can lead to Pilea plant leaves curling. If the pot doesn’t have drainage hole, or has limited ones, where can the water escape? If the soil is too heavy or packed, water won’t be able to move through. Again, it leads to poor drainage problem.

If you want to address this issue, here are the things to do:

  • Check the pot to see whether it has enough drainage holes or not
  • Even with the visible holes, you still need to test it
  • Try amending the pot with organic materials or coarse sand which can improve the drainage
  • You can drop several pebbles so the soil won’t clog the available holes.
pilea curling
pilea curling
  • Humidity Problem

The problem with humidity is typically related to the irregular watering habit. If your plant is dehydrated already, then the low level of humidity may worsen the issue of the Pilea leaves curling. Misting your plant may help; at least once per week. If it’s summer time, you need to do it regularly. Don’t place your pot in a room with air conditioner because it causes the air to be too dry. Placing the pot on a water-filled tray with pebbles is also a good idea to boost up the (humidity) level.

  • Lack of Nutrient

Another reason why Pilea leaves curling is because of nutrient. Taking care of this plant, from feeding point of view, isn’t exactly difficult. The plant isn’t known as a heavy feeder, but it still requires potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen to stay healthy, grow, and thrive. You need a balanced fertilizer (with 20-20-20 ratio). Apply it at least once a month to make it stay healthy.

Make sure to dilute the fertilizer first. When you apply it to the plant, it should be at half strength so it won’t burn the roots. A complete and full pure fertilizer may be too strong and it can cause plant stress or root burns.

  • Root or Potting Issues

When you see the leaves curl, you may want to check the roots. It can result from waterlogged or wet soil. The roots are pretty sensitive, which can damage quite easily when there is too much moisture. Excessive moisture will likely affect the number of nutrients that actually get to the plant. Moreover, too much water may mean that water may flush out the important nutrients out from the leaves.

If the root is seriously damaged, you will have to re-pot the plant. Move it to a new pot with fresh soil. Make sure that the soil is in good condition. Remove the damaged roots before you replant it. There is no use of having the damaged parts together with the plant.

  • Disease and Pests

Bugs are responsible for Pilea leaves curling issue, especially for the disease. Check for the plant for any signs of bugs. Get rid of them before they spread to the entire plant. Besides bugs, you should also be aware of pests, including whiteflies and aphids. Dealing with them is quite straightforward, but you will have to do it regularly:

  • Use neem oil to remove them. Get a spray form to remove them
  • Make use of rubbing alcohol by rubbing it on the stems and leaves
  • Dislodge the aphids with a hose. It should remove the pesky pests quite easily
pilea leaves curling inwards
pilea leaves curling inwards

Treating Your PILEA Plant Carefully

It may not be easy to deal with the curled leaves issue, but it’s not impossible. For most owners, this situation can be confusing because they don’t really know where to start. To make the process easier and simpler, there are some small steps to do:

  • Carefully observe your plant. As the owner, you are the one who really understand the care regime. What you usually do? Where do you place the plant? How often do you water or fertilize it?
  • At some point, you may have suspected there is something wrong with one of your routines. You can use this knowledge to find out.
  • Don’t get rushed. Try to ‘fix’ what’s wrong while observing what’s happening to it. Does it improve? Are your efforts successful?


Keep in mind that caring for plants require extra patience. The best thing to do is to make sure that it’s getting enough care and treatment. Even with Pilea leaves curling issue, your plant will still survive if you know how to care for it properly. thank you for visiting, you can read about 5 Disadvantages Worm Castings You Must Know and 10 Front Yard Landscaping Ideas With Rocks And Mulch in pandancreamery.com.

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